Why financial inclusion is still not relevant yet to Indonesia’s current circumstances

Financial inclusion aims at providing affordable financial services that will include the poor in the formal economy (United Nations, 2016). World Bank (2022) also stated that financial inclusion is the key to reducing extreme poverty. As seen, world organizations keep bringing this forward to be actualized in developing countries without acknowledging the true reasons why these countries lack financial inclusion in the first place.

The power of influencers in digital marketing, from fashion to politics - Part 1 —

To become an influencer-thus an agent, one must compete in their field to do as much human labour as possible. To put it simply, the field is the social media platform where one can post digital content as the labour. The expected results are interactions, such as follows, likes, comments, shares and bookmarks. Interaction acts as a currency of power, which means that the audience hands power to the content creator. Those power can be converted into social capital, which then defines an individual as an influencer.